Europe and the Mediterranean Focus Social inclusion and fight against discriminations Socio-economic issues and migrations Uncategorized

Thirty years of EU-Mediterranean Policies (1989-2019): an assessment

Authors: Bichara Khader & Haizam Amirah-Fernández


Web site:

Real Istituto Elcano!ut/p/a1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfGjzOKNQ1zcA73dDQ0MLIOcDRzdLbxDLE0NDcI8TIAKIoEKDHAARwNC-gtyQxUB1ntQFg!!/dl5/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/



Algeria is trying to implement a series of political and economic reforms aimed at improving a difficult socio-economic situation and smooth the path towards the legislative elections of June 12. However, the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic consequences, combined with both resuming popular manifestations guided by the Hirak movement and an increasingly volatile regional scenario, may soon bring forth yet another litmus test for the government and the country as a whole. What challenges lie ahead for Algeria? What the implications for the country’s and the region’s stability?

Panel Discussion

Haizam Amirah-Fernández, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute, Spain

Amel Boubekeur, Co-Director, Institute for Social Science Research on Algeria (ISSRA)

Dalia Ghanem, Resident Scholar, Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center, Lebanon

Yahia Zoubir, Professor of International Relations and International Management, and Director of Research in Geopolitics, KEDGE Business School

Ahmed Rouaba, Journalist, BBC


Focus Socio-economic issues and migrations

The EU’S Migration, Asylum and Mobility Policies in the Mediterranean

This MEDRESET Policy Brief summarizes the findings of MEDRESET’s WP7 on migration, mobility and asylum in the Mediterranean and identifies policy implications.

Migration, asylum and mobility represent an increasingly contentious field of governance in EuroMediterranean relations. In the Mediterranean area, cooperation in this policy field has long been characterized by fundamental divergences of interests and approaches, not only between the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean, or between (predominantly) sending, transit and receiving countries, but also among institutional and civil society actors on both sides of the Mediterranean. (…)

By adopting a non-Eurocentric approach, and based on extensive empirical research, WP7 found that the EU’s discourse in the migration policy field is informed by two dominant frames – unilateralism and securitization – which translate into largely Eurocentric, securitizing and conditionality-based policies and practices. Moreover, WP7 found that, despite the existence of country-specific issues and different migration policy agendas in the Maghreb and the Middle East, SEM (South-Eastern Mediterranean) stakeholders in the four target countries (Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey) share a common perception of EU migration policies as abusively and inappropriately restrictive and ineffective, elaborated in a unilateral way and imposed through unbalanced power relations.

With a high level of consensus among themselves, they recommend that the EU radically change its approach to Euro-Mediterranean relations and to migration governance in particular, in order to make it less Eurocentric and security-oriented, and more inclusive, balanced and responsive.
This policy brief describes, firstly, how stakeholders perceive the Mediterranean space and EU practices in it, and, secondly, which alternative policies they recommend.


In arabo

Focus Gender equality

EU Approach to Gender Equality in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region

Title: EU Approach to Gender Equality in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region

Author: Hala Ghosheh

The EU legal and political framework reflects a strong commitment to promoting gender equality. Policy dialogue, gender mainstreaming and targeted gender programming are some of the instruments that the EU uses in “partnering countries”. There is a noticeable difference in how the EU approaches gender equality internally (within Europe) as opposed to externally (partnering countries and foreign aid), which not only reflects the economic and political “power over” approach but suggests as well that the EU is setting the gender agenda on behalf of its “partners”. The findings of this paper illustrate that the EU gender equality approach is falling short from adopting a more substantive transformative approach that would lead women to realize their “power within” to claim their rights. Furthermore, EU support to gender equality relies on short-term projects that focus on addressing “trends” determined by the international community and/or the EU priorities for the country, which undermines the substance of the international and EU agendas. On many occasions the findings show that consultations on local priorities are not sufficiently inclusive and rely on the same “favoured organizations” to inform them. The EU’s contribution to promoting gender equality was reported as insufficient, inconsistent and not responsive. MEDRESET papers indicate that gender equality was not systematically or effectively addressed in sectors of agriculture, migration, industry and energy. The mismatch between, on the one hand, the EU focus, and on the other, local priorities and addressing specific gender needs, including socio-economic needs of women, was strikingly evident. The EU role in realizing gender equality and human rights has, especially after the Arab Spring, been somewhat conflicted. EU has prioritized its self-interest and security (hidden influences and powers) over human rights and gender equality in the region. There was general agreement that the EU should “adopt a more critical stance toward human rights violations including women’s rights”.



Europe and the Mediterranean Focus

Problematizing Effectiveness and Potential of EU Policies in the Mediterranean

Titolo: Problematizing Effectiveness and Potential of EU Policies in the Mediterranean

Autore: Münevver Cebeci

This report aims at combining the research results of the previous Work Packages (1–7) of the MEDRESET project with a view to evaluating the effectiveness and potential of EU policies. It does so through an analysis of the EU’s framing of the Mediterranean and how it is perceived by its Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEM) partners, how the key stakeholders depict the region as such, and how these conceptions and perceptions of the Mediterranean are reflected in their interaction in substantive issue areas, on the geopolitical and sectoral level. The major argument of this report is that the EU’s depoliticizing, technocratic and securitized approach towards the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean erodes the Union’s credibility, detracts from its effectiveness and seriously limits its potential in terms of providing bottom-up policies geared towards promoting democracy, human rights and the rule of law, prioritizing development, favouring youth employment and gender equality, and creating an open, inclusive and integrated Mediterranean region. The findings of the WPs 2–7 proved that the arguments put forward by WP1 were accurate and the research conducted through interviews with key stakeholders and bottom-up actors in the region and in Europe demonstrated that they also regard the EU’s approach towards the region as highly Eurocentric, interest-driven, top-down and thus unequal/asymmetric, as well as depoliticizing, technocratic and highly securitized.




Socio-economic issues and migrations

Understanding Migration Journeys from Migrants’ Perspectives


Authors: Marie Mcauliffe, Adrian Kitimbo, Alexandra M Goossens, Akm Ahsan Ullah


The chapter discusses migration journeys and how migrants consider migration before and during such travel, acknowledging that there is a great diversity of experiences, but that nevertheless, some important aspects can be drawn from current migration research and practice. The next section provides a brief examination of migrants’ “self-agency” (i.e. migrants’abilities to make and act upon independent decisions and choices) and the “continuum of agency” that explains variations in choice when it comes to migrating. Section three then discusses key and emerging issues in migration research that are signalling shifts in how contemplations of migration and migration journeys have been changing for migrants themselves in recent years: (mis)information; preference for visas; risk and reward; and pressures to migrate. In the following section, we summarize some of the recent advances in research methods and technology that are making migrant-centric research more feasible globally.

The conclusion then discusses implications for research and policy initiatives, including those related to the global compact on migration. Overall, we argue that better understandings of migrants’ choices about migration and migration journeys are of fundamental importance to more effective policymaking on migration.


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Focus Socio-economic issues and migrations




This chapter seeks to assist migration policymakers, practitioners and researchers in making better sense of international migration by using a geographic perspective to present regional migration overviews. The analysis in this chapter focuses on six world regions as defined by the United Nations, and used by UN DESA and other organizations: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern America, Oceania.
For each of these regions, the analysis includes: (i) an overview and brief discussion of key migration statistics based on data compiled and reported by UN DESA and UNHCR; and (ii) succinct descriptions of “key features
and developments” in migration in the region, based on a wide range of data, information and analyses from international organizations, researchers and analysts. To account for the diversity of migration patterns, trends and issues within each of the six regions, the descriptive narratives of “key features and recent developments” are presented at the subregional level. For Africa, for example, this cascade approach allows for the presentationof insights from statistical data on Africa as a whole, followed by summary information on subregions including North Africa, West and Central Africa, and Eastern and Southern Africa. A breakdown of the regions and subregions is provided in appendix A. These subregional overviews provide information on migration patterns from, within and to the subregions.

Beyond this, attention has been paid to particular features that exist in
a subregion, such as labour migration and remittances, irregular migration, migrant smuggling, displacement (internal and international), and integration. The subregional overviews are not intended to be exhaustive, but are designed to be illustrative of key trends, patterns and issues.



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Focus Socio-economic issues and migrations



Authors: Marie McAuliffe, Head, Migration Research Division, IOM and Martin Ruhs, Associate Professor of Political Economy at the University
of Oxford.


Focus Socio-economic issues and migrations

World Migration Report 2020

Since 2000, IOM has been producing world migration reports. The World Migration Report 2020, the tenth in the world migration report series, has been produced to contribute to increased understanding of migration throughout the world. This new edition presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly topical migration issues.


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MedFilm Festival

MedFilm Festival Archive

The MedFilm Festival Archive is created as part of the Voices and Images of Intercultural Dialogue in the Mediterranean project of the Italian Institute of Oriental Studies (DISO) Department and includes a selection of the most representative cinematographic works of the themes of intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean, presented in the past years in the editions of the MedFilm Festival, accompanied by the related documentation. The MedFilm Festival Archive is part of the media library of the Diso Library and is therefore accessible to all through the catalog, consultation and loans of the Diso Library.

The MedFilm Festival Archive already includes an important nucleus of feature films, documentaries and short films and is constantly expanding thanks to the generous contribution of donations for educational purposes by numerous authors, production and distribution companies from the various Mediterranean countries who collaborate with the MedFilm Festival, active in Rome for 25 years. A selection of the works from the MedFilm Festival Archive can be accessed on this site by searching by theme or by country.