Human rights, identity and citizenship MedFilm Festival Voices and images archive

The Silence

Director: Farnoosh Samadi, Ali Asgari

Cast: Fatma Alakus, Cahide Ozel, Valentina Carnelutti

Country: Italy-France | Year: 2016 | Duration: 14 ‘

Fatma and her mother are Kurdish refugees in Italy. When they visit the hospital, Fatma has to translate what the doctor says to her mother. But he fails and closes in a long silence.


“The creation of any work of art is directly linked to the emotion of the artist. His work, in fact, can be a reflection of his feelings and his experiences, not only as an artist but also as a human being. Perhaps the artist discovers part of his life in his works. This short film is intimately linked to our lives. We moved to Italy for university and as migrants we have many experiences that inspired us to make this film. We chose to tell a simple story about communication because this aspect has symbolic meaning for us. We believe that language proficiency plays an important role in communication between humans, but in a context of migration it plays an even more essential role. In this short film, we wanted to represent the universe of migrants and their confrontation with a new life after arriving in a new country. We focused on a migrant child because we believe that children are silent witnesses to what is happening around them. ” Farnoosh Samadi, Ali Asgari

MedFilm Festival 2010 // Cortometraggi

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